Nele Zirnite, born in Lithuania, studied graphic arts at the Vilnius Academy of Arts specialising in printmaking, In 1982, however, she moved on to study at the Art Academy of Latvia in Riga and earned her Bachelor of Fine Art degree in 1984. She has been giving a great impact of the development of etching technique not only by making experiments in this field, but also working as pedagogue, teaching the young graphic art students (1995-2003 Lecturer, Graphic Arts Department, Latvian Art Academy, since 2003 Professor, Art Department, Latvian Christian Academy) and leading the Etching studio in the Union of Latvian Artists. She is the initiator and the author of concept for the association "Oforta Ģilde" Etching Guild) which also yearly promotes the international project "Strong Water". As a founder and leader of Etching Guild (since 2010 President, fhe Etching Guild) Nele Zirnite throughout the years has made a numerous projects connected with etching techniques and printmaking art in Latvia and abroad.
Between 1984 and 2017 the artist participated in many exhibitions in USA, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Turkey, Poland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Canada, Japan, Taiwan and Germany. Some of her works are in Art Museum of Arizona University (USA), Eksjo Museum, Alma Love Museum (Sweden), J. Monkute-Marks Museum (Lithuania), Municipal Art Gallery (Poland), Arte/Desarrollo Humano Workshop (Mexico), Art Foundation (Russia), Cremona Civik Museum (Italy), Arsenāls Art Museum (Latvia), Monroe Art College (USA), M. Vrubel Art Museum (Russia) and by private collectors in Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Lithuania, Germany, Finland, Belgium, France, Russia and the USA.
She has received various awards and prizes including honourable mentions in Vigonza (Padova) Italy (2017), Bodio Lomnago, Italy (2012) Xativa, Spain (2007) Breclav, Czechia (2007, 2005), Riga, Latvia (2014, 2003, 1998, 1997, 1987), Gloucester, USA (1997) Tallinn, Estonia (1992). In 1982 she was awarded the Prize for Best Drawing by the Vilnius Academy of Arts.
She has been placed between the worlds best printmakers in the edition of The Best of Printmaking: An International Collection (Selected by Lynne Allen and Phyllis Mc Gibbon with an introduction by Ruth Weisberg, Rockport Publishers, Quarry Books, 1997).
In 2012 she was included in a German edition of a book "Lexicon of Fantastic Artist" by prof. Gerhart Habarta.
2000 M.F.A., Latvian Art Academy, Riga
1999 - 2003 Graphic Art Department, Latvian Academy of Arts
Under the supervision of Prof. Gunārs Krollis
1984 B.F.A., Latvian Art Academy of Arts, Riga
1978 - 1982 Vilnius Art Institute, Lithuania
Professional experience
2016 International graphic exhibition Triania, Strong water - 6" curator
2015 MGD (Mobile Graphic Workshop) Project, curator
2014 Professor, Art Department, Latvian Christian Academy
2013 International graphic exhibition "Strong water“, curator
2013 International graphic exhibition "Strong water - 3": curator
2011 - 2012 International project "IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE TITANIC ": curator
2011 Art project "WHITE NIGHT": coordinator
2011 Foundress of art gallery "Rīgas Tālers"
2010 International graphic exhibition "Strong water": curator
2010 Society "Etching Guild", Guild Master, foundress of the society
2003 - 2012 Associate Professor, Art Department, Latvian Christian Academy
2001 Curator of Exhibition "Face of Graphics"
2000 Project "Overcoming of Plane": curator
1999 Leader of project "Functional Improvement of Experimental Etching Workshop"
1999 - 2003 Art Academy of Latvia, Lecturer of graphics
2010 Guildmaster of Society "Etching Guild" founder of the Society
2009 - 2011 Board member of Latvian Society of Artists
1999 - 2005 Board member of Latvian Society of Artists
1999 - 2006 Board member of "Graphics Chambers"
1988 Member of Latvian Union of Artists
Selected Awards
2017 The first prize, "ARTE GRAFICA ITALIANA 2017", Vigonza (Padova), Italy
2014 Grand Prix, Competition exhibition "Dedication Lat", Gallery Art Bank, Riga, Latvia
2012 Diploma, 6th International Competition and Congress EX LIBRIS – Biblioteca di Bodio, Lomnago, Italy
2008 Diploma in, 1st Riga Independent Biennale, Blackheads House Rīga, Latvia
2007 1. Prize, IX "Josep de Ribera" International Biennale of Engraving, Xativa 2007, Valensia, Spain
2007 Jury Award, Biennale of small graphics, GRAFIX, Breclav, Czechia
2005 Grand Prix, Biennale of small graphics, GRAFIX, Breclav, Czechia
2003 Award and Prize “ Professional performing in 6th exhibition of Small forms of Art, Gallery Riga, Latvia
1998 Prize, Riga in Contemporary Art, Bastejs Gallery, Riga, Latvia
1998 Grand prize award, Miniature Art, R. Vitols, Valmiera, Latvia
1997 Riga City Council Award, Riga in Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia
1997 Award of Distinction, the Best in Printmaking, Rockport Publishers, Gloucester, MA, USA
1992 Prize and Diploma, 9th Graphic Triennial, Tallinn, Estonia
1987 Second Prize, Roads and People, Smiltene, Latvia
1987 Diploma, 13th Graphic Art Exhibition, Riga, Latvia
1987 Special Prize, Miniature Graphic Triennial, Riga, Latvia
1984 Award, Best Drawing Artist of the Year, Vilnius Art Institute, Lithuania
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Universe of Hope - Katana House Gallery, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
2019 NELE - Jurmala City Museum, Majori, Latvia
2016 Another Sky - EAWAG, Dubeldorf, Switzerland
2015 Conversations in Culture - European House, USA
2015 ORIGIN - Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre Latvia
2014 Behind Rain - Gallery Art Bank, Riga, Latvia
2014 BALZEKAS Museum, Chicago, USA
2014 Latvian House, Washington, USA
2014 Lithuanian Consulate in USA, New York, USA
2013 Transfusion - Jurmala City Museum, Jurmala, Latvia
2013 Transfusion - OSLO 12 RauM D , Basel, Switzerland
2010 Rezerved - Gallery Antonija, Riga, Latvia
2009 Reservoir of Time - the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia
2009 Nele Zirnīte - Graphics, Casa de Cultura, Xativa, Spain
2008 Valley of Love - Dalia Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2008 Nele Zirnīte Graphics - "Klaipedos Galerija", Klaipeda, Lithuania
2007 Art Gallery of Mary Olla Miller, Panama City, FL, USA
2006 NEXUS - Gallery ARTima, Vilnius, Lithuania
2005 NEXUS - Ciurlionis Art Gallery, Chikago, USA
2004 Graphic - Gallery BAS, Naperville, USA
2003 Nele Zirnite: Gravure aeau forte - Paloma Gallery, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
2003 Etchings by Nele Zirnite - Monroe County Community
College Library, Monroe, MI, USA
2001 Traces of the Wings - Ivonna Veiherte Gallery, Riga, Latvia
2000 Art Gallery of Mary Olla Miller - Panama City, FL, USA
And others solo exhibitions as from 1986
Selected Group Exhibitions
Hyperrealism. The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga
ARTE GRAFICA ITALIANA 2017, Vigonza (Padova), Italy
The Winners, the Vilnius Graphic Art Centre, Lithuania
27th Annual International Small Print Show, Chicago Printmakers Collaborative
Internationial contemporary and modern Art Fair Riga 2016, Latvia
Transition, Jurmala City museum, Latvia
36th International Ex-libris Congress FISAE,Vologda, Russia
8th international printmaking Biennial of Douro 2016, Portugal
Internationial contemperery and modern Art Fair Riga 2015, Latvia
26th Annual International Small Print Show and Holiday Open House Chicago, USA
EUROPE IN THE SIGN “ 2015, Cremona, Italy
International printmaking Biennial "2nd GLOBAL PRINT 2015", Portugal
II International exhibition "Search of Lost Paradise", Granada, Spain
STRONG WATER, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Latvia
INCISIONIAL FEMMINILE, Pozzuoli, Napoli, Italy
Exhibition of Latvian Contemporary Graphic Art GRAFIKA-S, Riga Art Space, Latvia
OFF THE GRID: BEYOND THE NOISE, Atlantic Gallery, Niujorka, USA
Competition exhibition "Dedication Lat", Gallery Art Bank, Riga, Latvia
7th international printmaking Biennial of Douro 2014, Portugal
Jurmala Artists exhibition, Jurmala City museum, Latvia
International exhibition MARINA, Jurmala City museum, Latvia
Jurmala Artists exhibition, Jelgava, Latvia
APRON projekt, Chicago Printmakers Collaborative, USA
Exhibition of OFORTA ĢILDE, Jurmala City Council, Latvia
SKALA C3 international printmaking exhibition, Jurmala City museum, Latvia
Internationial contemporary and modern Art Fair Riga 2014, Latvia
Biblioteca di Bodio, Lomnago, Italy
Collection "Prints for Peace" in Arte/Desarrollo Humano Workshop of Casa Hogar el Refugio Monterrey NL, Mexico
Amire Art Centre, Tophane/Istanbul, Turkey
Monroe County Community College, MI, USA
Municipal Art Gallery in Lodz, Poland
University of Arizona Museum of Art, USA
Art Foundation, Moscow, Russia
Alma Lov Museum, Ostra Amtervik, Sweden
Cremona Civic Museum, Collezione Internazionale Della Grafica, Cremona, Italy
Arsenals Art Museum, Riga, Latvia
Valka Regional Museum, Valka, Latvia
Eksjo Museum, Eksjo, Sweden
Alma Lov Museum, Ostra Amtervik, Sweden